Can we say CLINTONS, boys and girls???
Hillary is down but not out — the Hildebeast has been wounded but it would appear there is still a path to the nomination - especially since Obambi has not been able to “close the deal” with a majority of the electorate. Could be a lively time in Denver:
It Aint Over Till The Fat Lady Sings - - And She Just Hired New Songwriters (Hillary 4 Prez?)
Could Obama still lose the nomination? (Maybe!)
The coverup by the MSM to protect Edwards makes a good story. TH on MSNBC and CNN have been making excuses, claiming its because both parties denied it and other nonsense.
Somebody, somehow got pix of him inside that hotel room holding the baby.
I say it was the mistress. The back seat is demeaning. I saw her on the tube tonight - she seemed like a bit of a bubblehead. I suspect she wanted the whole world to know about their “love” for each other.