Celebrity means nothing. Everyone who know who Cantor is in one week.
McCain needs to shore up conservative base; Cantor would do it.
He also would be a good choice after one term of McCain.
I totally agree with you. Let’s get real here for just one minute. McCain would be 72 if he’s elected. He is being treated for high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol. He has a history of melanoma, a serious cancer that can reoccur. He has the after effects of serious injuries from his five years of torture. He’d be taking on the toughest job in the world that calls for incredible stamina and cool judgment.
There’s a very real possibility this guy could become incapacitated while in office. This will be a major concern for voters in November, particularly if McCain has some senior moments before the election. How does he offset this concern? By selecting someone with gravitas; someone the voters can easily assume would be able to immediately step in and take over. This is not some junior, unknown, unvetted, untested congressman nobody’s ever heard of. Political considerations should play only a minor role here. Otherwise, McCain is showing poor judgment and isn’t suited for the job.
Let the Democrats and Obama make the loony choices. Republicans should offer a clear alternative. We’re the party that knows this is a dangerous world with enormous challenges facing this country. We’re the adults here. Trust us and we won’t let you down. Cantor is a moronic choice, another Dan Quayle debacle in the making. Forget it, McCain.