“According to you, “Romney is absolutely pro-life.” Well, let’s look at that silly assertion. Do you consider it pro-life to offer embryonic aged humans for research as ‘leftover’ people? Romney does. So he’s not actually ‘absolutely pro-life now is he?”
I’m so tired of one issue Freepers who thinks the whole world thinks as one-dimensionally as they do, and parse every little word that has to do with their pro-life stance to suit their political needs. There are lots of issues out there in the world, and you continually seek the perfect in an imperfect world.
When you are looking for a well-rounded candidate who is right on most issues, then you have Romney, including that he is pro-life both in practice in his own family (chock full of children, including his 5 sons), and also since he became a pro-life advocate politically. I suppose you would have wished that he wouldn’t have evolved to his pro-life stance and remained pro-abortion? Then stop preaching to others how they should become pro-life if you don’t believe it never works to change their opinions. Bah, humbug.
Tired of the one-issue Freepers who knit pick constantly, looking for the one fatal flaw of any given conservative candidate if it doesn’t exactly fit your pro-life template. The good news is the tide has turned against you, and the majority of intelligent conservatives want Romney, even if he has the occasional wart, just like, I’m sure, you have too. Or are you perfect?
“There are lots of issues out there in the world, and you continually seek the perfect in an imperfect world.” The wrongful execution of an alive unborn child is the only issue ... for the child whose life was snuffed out. Or didn’t you realize that in your rush to denigrate such a weighty issue as pro-life in order to support the pro-choice Romney? Mitt Romney is not pro-life, as his own actions and words show. I can see why you want to get eyes off of that fact about Romney.
Pro-lifers generally tend not to donate to Planned Parenthood!