1. I believe that watchers/fallen angels/nephilium/ET’s exist in real, tangible bodily form. Some may be bio-engineered shells housing demons but I don’t believe that explains all of them. I believe all of them or 99.9% of them are in cahoots with satan.
1.1 They don’t do nice things to people . . . except as one might be nice to one’s farm animals.
1.2 All their pontifications include lies and globalist government types of agenda items. I was sad to see Stanton Friedman of the same ilk at the last conference—supporting the idea that ET’s will help us form a one world of peace, finally. Right. Scripture says the Anti Christ will make WAR—with PEACE!
2. Of course the satanically driven liberal agenda matches the satanically driven ET agenda. No mystery there.
3. Check out THE GEORGIA GUIDE STONES re population reduction—it’s fairly neutered in the wording on them but clear enough.
3.1 It used to be that leaking globalist insiders spoke of 500 million as the ultimate end goal of world population size for the globalists. Ted Turner has been quoted as saying he’d love to come back reincarnated as a deadly untreatable virus. The last few years, the number has been changed in such reports to 200 million. And there’s even a movement to exterminate man entirely—for the sake of the planet. Idiots.
4. Of course I’m a Pentecostal Christian eager to take the first elevator up and out of this sin soaked planet. However, I told THE BOSS HE could spend me however HE wanted so I serve at HIS command. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and only Master.
5. I’m convinced the UFO/ET stuff is part of what the Bible refers to as THE GREAT DECEPTION of the END TIMES. I’ve believed this since shortly after I first started studying it in 1962.
6. I believe aliens have been here a very long time and are purportedly coming in greater numbers to take part in the END TIMES dramas. Thankfully, God has greater numbers as well as the capacity to create more. And even HIS WORD ALONE could rout all of them in an instant.
7. Imagine . . . this planet was nominated for God’s crowning Creation . . . and for Christ’s Redemptive Death and Resurrection . . . and for Christian’s bootcamp to train them to rule and reign with Christ.
7.1 It’s not too far fetched to imagine that some ET’s would be interested in the training their future rulers were receiving.
Any other questions?