Jawohl, mien feldmarchall! Let’s do it now, sooner the better. We have growing unemployment and now is the ideal time to get rid of the illegals. But, how do we control the miserable politicians, like Bush/McLame and the RATs who are determined to grant them amnesty? Quel dommage!
What’s so funny is the oft heard claim that we can’t physically deport the tens of millions of illegals. We don’t have to. Enforce the laws and prosecute the employers and these folks deport themselves. No jobs, they leave. Ludicrously simple. But the elites in the parties don’t want to do it because they can’t bear to lose Maria taking care of the kids and Jesus taking care of the swimming pools and Jose with the lawn. Maybe if they had the harrowing experience of the past year as I have had with these people living 20 feet away from my house, they’d run them out of the country before the end of the week.