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To: forkinsocket
How can any sane person have any tolerance for this cult that continually kills it's own daughters??? Why aren't the womens organizations screaming from the top of every building about this slavery and rape of muslim women???
The rag heads are a primitive cult that refuses to join the modern world. If they won't join the rest of the world then we need to impose our value of human life, freedom, and equality on them.
Follow the law and prosecute this animal to the fullest extent of the law. Then hang this murderer in public with a big sign around his neck stating that honor killers will be executed each and every time!!!!! We need to change some laws so that all male members of the family of honor killers are stripped of US citizenship and deported. If this is the kind of crap they are teaching their offspring we do not want or need them in this country. If we go to the middle east by their law we have to adhere to their beliefs and morals. We should impose the same philosophy here. They do it our way or get the hell out.
24 posted on 07/06/2008 2:00:06 PM PDT by oldenuff2no (I'm a retired disabled AB Ranger and I'm damn proud of it!!!!!)
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To: oldenuff2no
i wish that LEO’s would go after these Muslim's with the same zeal that they went after the flds.
31 posted on 07/06/2008 3:04:04 PM PDT by Beamreach (what is truth, Jesus Christ is truth and from truth flows right and wrong)
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