We are not in 1932 when unemployment was still over 20 percent of the work force, and industrial production was less than half of what it had been just three years earlier, or July, 1942, when tens of thousands of American were dying in convoys and B-17s, and on islands of the Pacific in an existential war against Germany, Japan, and Italy.
It simply baffles me that liberals today scream about the death of 4,000 soldiers over a 5-year period. While it is tragic that any lives are lost, that is the true cost of freedom. And compare the Iraq casualties to those of Gettysburg...in one day...and Normandy...in one day. Thank God the liberals of today were not in power during the Civil War or World War II. The country would have fallen apart much faster.
Some things never change. By 1864, Democrats were all against the Civil War. Wikipedia — “For 30 years after the war the Democrats carried the burden of having opposed the martyred Lincoln, the salvation of the Union and the destruction of slavery. Finally in 1898 the Democrats recovered by strongly demanding war with Spain.”