"No, pinhead, I have never needed a cop. Cops have never been there when I or one of my own needed one, they are only around later to often make a bigger mess of things... There are very few police officers in this country anymore. They are all adult adolescents, stuck in a state of arrested development, with authoritarian complexes, too much testosterone, and in perpetual "do as your told" mode. They are children with body armor, black uniforms, shaved heads, and pimped out Dodge Chargers just looking for trouble. Hooligans with a gun and a badge. --NucSubs, a dyed-in-the-wool cop-haterThe outrageous thing is that the cops are there for him EVERYDAY and EVERY MINUTE of his sad, pathetic life, and he doesn't have the basic human decency to feel in the least bit grateful for it or acknowledge his indebtedness to them. What a pathetic POS.