Since we post AP articles indirectly via other sources, how does that effect us ‘posters’ here on FR?
We are boycotting AP. Please do not post any of their material regardless of source. The mods are pulling any AP material they see.
This is to stop Blogging. They are finding ways to control the Right since they can’t get legislation passed to curtail bloggers. Their lawyers have found a way through Copyright to nip bloggers in the bud.
The only way if for the bloggers, the right to set up their own news wire source.
This was going to eventually take place since the Right has allowed the left to own “ALL” of the major news networks and wire services.
(Shaking head) Many of us have begged for consortiums to be put together to buy out certain entities only to be pushed aside. Now we have this problem.
Remember, without Fox and the Internet we have NO say.
Bill AP for the advertising costs.
Since any mention of AP is a form of advertising.
In fact, I’m going to bill AP for merely mentioning AP six times in the course of an AP thread.
(My advertising and product placement rates are $875.34 per placement. Also, I have a fuel surcharge of $75.00 and a miscelleous fee charge of $12.43.)
AP, time to pay up!