Thanks for checking them out.
Did you find them believable? Were they more sobering than you expected?
What responses did you have?
Those are the kinds of quotes from such folks that I was reading in 1965.
Imagine knowing all this was coming down the pike since then.
. . . and really knowing that such would reach it’s peak during most likely, my lifetime.
Second, as a Christian, you know that there IS a conspiracy, a spiritual conspiracy of mutany, to try and destroy that which God loves.
Third, if the human species continues to survive as is into the next 100 to 150 years, a collective process of some sort will be necessary meet and defeat the catastrophes the planet will undergo and may be able to forestall.
Lastly (for now), if anyone doubts that the Arabs holding the world by the oil throat have a plan to become the controlling force on this planet, well, they are naive. Goons like bin Laden are but dupes for the behind the scenes power brokers ... but they are deaqly dupes, bloodthirsty and evil to the core. In the long run, the oil sheiks/barons will be the most effective means Satan has for world control. The alternative will be starvation.