” Once people have new entitlements and have entered the programs and are benefitting materially from them, they will never want to go back.”
Sorry to break this to you but were already at the point of no return. Seniors got the social security, medicaid, drug benefits, Welfare, illegals get free health care, food aid, and education, liberals have all of the social welfare programs to support homosexuals, leftist education, etc..........................................
We are already on the road of no return, electing McCain does nothing but takes us further down the road. Time to get rid of him and all other RINOs - if that means that we wander in the desert for awhile so be it. From the ashes will rise a Phoenix..........
I still the think the way to do that is straight on, not by electing a socialist to create a backlash that will never happen. We just need to work harder to educate people, on a one-to-one basis if need be. I wore myself out this morning with some half-educated leftist, but who knows, something might have stuck in his little brain. And we need to just work harder on the more public fronts as well (sending money to the right people, etc.).