Michelle say something radical based on race?
I am shocked. Shocked I say! LOL
The “CHICKENS” have come home to rooooooossssst.
I’d pay good money to hear the “black Jackie O” use the term ‘whitey’. LOL
I am shocked. Shocked I say! LOL
She's a total freakin moron and loose cannon and I called this one months and months ago. I'll bet anything she kept the family going to Wright's racist church even though Obama knew it was time to move on if he was serious about being President
Michelle is as tall as Obama, is physically imposing and don't take shit from that wimp. She calls the shots. Chicago is her home town and Obama is just passing through by way of Hawaii, New York and Africa.... And Obama's big dream is to emulate his absent daddy and become an African style socialist like him.If anyone wants to find out what makes Obama tick, it is all about the sperm donor daddy who abandoned him. Obama was raised by women same as Bill Clinton