The only thing standing between McCain and the Presidency is McCain. And I’m afraid he is quite up to the task of scuttling his chances.
From Post 121:
“The athiests, abortion enthusiasts, condom-throwers, gold-chained union thugs, welfare grandmothers, Boy Scout haters, man-hating lesbians, hand-wringing college professors, and the rest of the parasites, losers, and goofballs who comprise the Democrat party “base” have never cared much about upstanding moral values or honesty in their candidates.”
Please don’t lump all collge professors in that group.
Many of my professor friends in engineering and business schools are conservatives, support the boy scouts, and so forth. It is true that most of the professors in the humanities are very left wing but most students pay them very little attention-maybe that is why so many of these professors are bitter-their students know they are full of themselves and full of crap.