What BS. If the issue was simply not enough compensation was paid, sue for more.-but to sue to STOP building the wall is crap.
“What BS. If the issue was simply not enough compensation was paid, sue for more.-but to sue to STOP building the wall is crap.”
I can’t think of a better use for eminent domain.
Yes, but the objective is to stop building the wall, not get more compensation . . . this lawsuit is a direct result of Chertoff’s move to waive all those environmental (and other) regulations that were in the way.
If a property owner doesn't want the fence on their southern property line then don't build it there.
Go to the property owner to their north and ask to build it on their southern property line.
It's each property owners choice which side of the fence they're on.
If you had ever dealt with the Federal Government you would know that waiting till the wall is built is to say they are screwing you over is a sure fire way to get screwed over by the government which screws more people every year than all the prostitutes in the world combined. Only when the Feds do it, it isn't nearly as much fun. If they can manage to stop the wall, then they might get a shot at fair compansation, but once the wall is built, forget it.