If a house is on fire...you need to get people to safety before trying to figure out who started it.
That statement is absolutely correct......but only as far as it goes.
You should have added the caveat that the agency involved should have the good sense to determine whether the house is on fire or it is a false alarm.
Lets say that I pass by your house. The sun is reflecting in the windows so that it appears to be on fire. I call 911.
The fire department screams on the scene, chops a hole in your roof, pumps in 10,000 gallons of water, breaks down all doors, turns everything upside down and inside out looking for a “victim”, declares the house to be unsafe (of course it is after they ruined it) thus making it against the law for you to return to it..................and six months later tells you that your house was not on fire and you can go back in the house.
This is essentially what the state of TX is doing to these families. By the time all of this brute force is over, these families will be emotionally wrecked just as the house was in my fictional illustration.
Ah, but you say they already had problems.
They did not know they had problems. They were happy in their own way. Who are we to say “You are not happy and I am going to change that!”?
If they are going to prosecute for polygamy, so be it. But the children should not be separated from their mothers, put in foster homes, persons held in detention without trial, etc.
All on the basis of a crank phone call.
The only issue however with CPS is child safety. If each family had been monogamous it would not have made a difference. CPS removes kids from single home environments that they consider dangerous too. We need to stay focused IMO. It's about the kids.
Let me get this straight. If someone is happy marrying their underage daughters into polygamous *spriritual unions* this is ok with you? Luckily, it’s not ok with the State of TX.
I’m going to give you a break and assume you haven’t been keeping up with these threads, and here’s a head’s up. This is not about polygamy. This is about adult men having sex with underage girls. It’s called statutory rape, and it’s illegal.
Assume that after wrecking the house, the fire department puts you and your family in jail because you set it on fire.
Six months later, after your “day in court” that never should have been necessary to begin with, you are declared not guilty and are allowed to return to your ruined home.
My example is silly?
Don't blame me. You chose the example of a fire and a speedy “rescue”.
All well and good, unless you are dealing with government run amuck.
By the way, you said that CPS “must have a good reason”.
Never assume that there is a good reason unless you know what that reason is. So far, only suspicions, not reasons.
Most of the child protective agencies are run by idiots. I don't know why. It should not be that way. But one constantly reads of agencies that either seize a child for the most trivial reason or ignore the most flagrant evidence of child abuse and allow a child to die needlessly. Whether it is training or the fact that those agencies seem to have immunity from the legal restraints under which other agencies must operate, I have no idea.
But if you read enough, you will see horror story after horror story. I believe this to be another horror story of a government agency out of control.