Really simple: Republicans should come out loudly and proudly for drilling and refining in our country. Secondly, they should come out loudly and proudly for denying benefits to anyone in this country illegally. If you make these 2 simple points the focus of your platform and unflinchingly deliver this message to the American people, you will win.
And the glaring fact is, they controlled nearly all of D.C. for almost 7 years. In my honest opinion, they were all derelict and inept, most being out for themselves. They got beat like a drum in 06 for obvious reasons. I'd bet the next election will be no different.
They won't be getting my support. I will not reward incompetence, corruption or failure.
Yep - especially since the Dummies harped on the price of gas before the ‘06 election and said they had a plan to fix it (they sure FIXED it all right).
And run a few soundbites of Pelosi, Feinstein, et al. calling us all racists for wanting the illegals deported before they destroy our economy and murder/rob/rape any more of our citizens.
I agree, Mav. That’s what I’d do but I don’t look for the GOP to say a word about either.