Muslims CANT advance beyond their 700ad doctrine. It is apostasy to study anything not included in the Koran, because it self-defines as a complete and perfect work.This isn't true at all. The Islamic world underwent huge change in the 20th century following the collapse of the ottoman empire. The current el nutso brand of wahabbism only hit the big time recently. The secular nationalist movements could have taken over, but they didn't. Partly because they were seen as communist(and undermined by the west) or seen as western imperialism.Islam made some early advances in algebra and astronomy, but only because these studies helped with their worship - timekeeping and pointing their asses in the right direction when they pray.
The only scientific advances they made after that were due to the dhimmis that they allowed to live once they pillaged a country.
Reformation or rennaisance is impossible, because anyone that tacks a proclamation on the mosque door would be beheaded.
The Islamic *world* is very dynamic. Islam is only one of a bunch of competing ideologies. It's just the biggie at the moment.
Yah,we've seen that Lower Manhattan,at Kobar Towers,on the USS Cole,at our embassies in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam,in Lower Manhattan (yet again),in London,in Madrid.....