Please explain how republicans became entitled to conservative vote? Did they earn them with conservative policies and practices? Looking better than obama is not a reason, once a candidate is out off bounds it dosent matter how far.
>Please explain how
republicans became entitled to conservative vote?
Where did this
whine start?
first said Republicans
were first, last, always
bounded by
anyone's definition
of "conservative?"
Conservative is
ethical adjective
applied to
Republicans are
political party,
group of persons.
And a group
that big
won't be
one of
Ethics don't apply
to groups, just persons.
Now, conservative
people can choose to vote for
anyone they like.
But they're foolish to expect
politics of groups
to reflect
ethics of individuals. But,
all that being said,
in the
big picture the Republican party
does embody more
conservative views
than the 'Rats. Conservatives
therefore have often
gone Republican.
But it's not entitlement!
It's just common sense.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Furthermore, sorry
I left off the Anna pic.
(Got stuff on my mind . . .)