Hey people, this “pic of a terrorist at an Obama Headquarters at the top of Jeffhead’s post” is serious business. He is announcing his intents, its like the nose on your face, and it isn’t hidden. Pass this on to anyone you see fit, because this is the change that is planned for America:’
Che Guevara was a radical, murderous Marxist revolutionary in Argentina, Cuba, and Bolivia. He became Fidel Castro’s executioner.
Why, then, is his picture proudly diplayed at Obama election Headquarters? What change does Obama intend. What is his hope? “
Thanks....and just wanted you to see this in case you were dozing..lol
I heard VOA report on Kenya today.
Kobaki was mentioned prominently and his words were broadcast.
Baracks Cousin Odinga? mentioned in passing As the orange party dem leader.
Obama is a radical