“That may be true, but they were still taken away from their mothers, were they not? “
For many of these children, their ‘mothers’ are in name only.
They aren’t sure or told who their biological mother is.
They are traded like baseball cards between ‘husbands’.
A child doesn't care much about "biological" parents. They care about Mommy and sometimes Daddy. I have 3 females, none of them biologically related to me although two are my wife's great nieces, and two who are my biological daughters, who call me Dad or Daddy. I can't imagine a finer title thing for a man to be called.
Right now there are a whole bunch of real live children who are wondering where Mommy is. That would be true even if, like some Indian tribes, they called every woman in the community "Mother". To cause all that misery among those innocents, the authorities better have all their duck in a row, their coffee saucered and blown, and all their 'i's dotted and their 't's crossed. Else, sure as can be, they will be returned to the status quo ante, and the taxpayers of Texas, of which I am one, will be out a bunch of bucks. I hear on the news today that the kids have been moved again.