I think I will write the Gestapo in Carpentersville and demand they write him a ticket. Only then will I become relaxed.
Anybody have their current address?
The tree was in the father's front yard.
I live in C’ville. The tree was in “his” yard not hers. She was just trying to be a good neighbor and a board trustee. Although I do not agree with her politics (sanctuary for illegals), to think that she would be forced to pay a fine for speech is outrageous!! The scariest part is that Obama dumped her for one word. He hasn’t done the same for his pastor that has preached hate openly for over 20 years!! What the he!! kind of President he would make! I hope this hangs around his neck like a lead weight for the rest of the election cycle. Its time people stopped making excuses for this garbage and started holding him accountable for his actions (or lack therof)