I would suggest that Conservatives need to learn how to gain public power. It is something that is clearly lacking in our mindset. I'm not all that familiar with Saul Alinsky; I know that Hillary Clinton was a devotee of his. And now we find out Obama was. Whatever. We need to rip a page out of their playbook (maybe even the whole book) and read it, study it, learn it, and apply it. Why are Conservatives so LAZY??? No wonder the Liberals are rolling over us, and changing our society daily. They're changing our society, and we're letting them. This forum is good for an exchange of ideas. But I'm coming to the conclusion that we're just talking amongst ourselves and not DOING anything. We're not out in the real word WHERE IT COUNTS. The Libs are organized, they've got playbooks, they've got power. What do we have?
Solid conclusion. Thus my New Year's resolution to freep less and get out where talk might lead to action. In fact, I'm coming to the conclusion that the internet is another opiate of the masses, and only making oppression more tolerable.