I will do one better than that Obama.
Before I was in college I traveled to Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.
However, I do not think that qualifies me to be President.
If you did all that and can balance a checkbook, you are still more qualified than Obama... or most Congresscritters for that matter!
I went to the Greek Islands, on a nude beach...In fact, the island was gay and it gave me keen awareness of gayness...
I’m sure that quite a few people here are obsessed with Pakistan, but I think that the fact that Obama argued that he travelled to 80 countries qualifies him to be President. I backpacked across Europe when I was in college, but that doesn’t qualify me as a foreign policy expert.
I really hope that Obama tries to use that in the debate with McCain, because that’s basically a fast ball down the center just ready for a grand slam (akin to There You Go Again or You’re No Jack Kennedy). McCain mentioned it in his book... To paraphrase McCain’s answer... Senator, as a military brat and a member of the navy, I’ve been all over the U.S. and the world. That’s what we military people do, we travel all over in defense of freedom. In fact, before I was forty, the longest I’ve been in one place was in this town called Hanoi. (The debate audience probably gives him a standing ovation at this point).