I did great when it came to the anti-meat indoctrination they got in the fall. He came home and said “Dad, if I were a Chicken would you eat me?” I asked him where he heard that question and he said from his teacher.
That night at dinner when he was happily gnawing on a BBQ Pork Rib, with brown sweet sauce spread ear to ear, I turned the question back at him and asked, “If I was a pig would you eat me?” in which he said, “Yep”
Good Answer. Dad 1 Teacher 0
The "Weekly Readers" that I used to get in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade back in the (cough)Late70s had GREAT stories on how we were all going to die from pollution by the year 2000. If we first didn't all starve to death, or die of cancer, or run out of oil, or die in a nuclear holocaust.
OR freeze to death in the coming Ice Age.
My point? If you can dig some of them up (no idea where they'd be found) they might be an excellent counterpoint, written at a child's level, to expose the propaganda that's being shoveled at your kids now. As in "See, they've been saying this for 30-odd years, they were wrong then, and they're still wrong."