You're right there. I guess that's why my patience is so short with the folks who are too short sighted to appreciate the shear genius of what Rush has helped happen.
The folks who brought us affirmative action are getting screwed by it. We're seeing a total disintegration of the rat party, and it's just getting starting. We haven't seen anything yet!
Left-wing paternalists regard themselves as architects of racial progress, guarding and guiding blacks along the path of success -- a role in which they assume to stand forever at the head of the march.
But what happens when blacks overtake their enlightened white helpers?
All hell breaks loose and the mask of progress drops to reveal the stricken faces of the white avant-garde.
Geraldine Ferraro's remarks confirm that beneath left-wing paternalism lurks considerable racism.
Since liberalism is not based upon natural justice but willfulness, it never fails to devour its supposed beneficiaries. Ferraro's condescension captures the tone of paternalistic liberalism perfectly.
We'll let you know, Barack, when it is your time to win
-- that's been the tacit theme of the Clinton campaign all along.
But chaos has erupted and the plantation progressives don't know what to do, except to blurt out pent-up racial resentments. Then, the victims, whom they spent the last few decades training in hair-trigger racial sensitivity, turn on them in righteous fury, detecting nuances of racism in everything
IF, AS FERRARO SAYS, the country is "caught up in the concept" of embracing an unqualified black president, that's because she and her friends propagandized Americans in that notion a long time ago.
Ferraro's whining is the grousing of a propagandist whose student has surpassed her.
Obama can throw in the faces of left-wing paternalists
Hillary's definition of "experience" presupposes a tenet of conservatism, that excellence and merit trump all other considerations.
But that's not the definition of experience she normally endorses and for the eight years her husband was in office she treated it as de facto evidence of racism.
Equality by any which way is more important than experience, their policies assumed.
Where has the Clintons' commitment to a White House that "looked like America" gone?
Under left-wing paternalism until now, race alone conferred important experience on a person
If people are voting for Obama
The radical chic of which Tom Wolfe wrote has caught up with the paternalistic left, producing new fodder for farce.