Well DUH!
That's the whole idea - illustrating the wrongness of the super delegate system, the racism of the rat party, the blacks pissed off at the rat party and splitting, crossing over or not voting, because Hillary "steals" it from them with the super delegates.
It's also showing the total ineptness of the rats - They can't even manage a primary (Michigan, Florida), yet they think they can manage the country and our health care system.
" I really think that he is going to screw this up and get her elected President."
RUSH isn't the one to "lose this election", it's McCain who will win or lose it. Rush is making it easier for McCain to win.
Open your eyes - The idiots who brought us affirmative action are in a civil war because of it. They generate the mud on each other that we can use later.
Even as the rats are in-fighting tooth and nail, you guys are moaning about Hillary. It's getting old. Just enjoy the show and learn something.
Honey, apparently you weren’t alive during the Clinton administration.
Idiots, Rush and you. We in Texas should have buried her.
But no, you idiots think we need sport in the rat primary.
I will eat as much crow plated to me if I’m wrong.
he is not... do you not remember the Clintons? the media is not gushing all over her right now, but if she is the nominee, the media will carry her to the Whitehouse... and she is an unethical, cheating, wicked person who will stop at nothing in dealing with her enemies... FBI files, the Patriot Act... just wait and see...
i cannot believe Republicans, and even Conservatives, are actually toying with this... one possible outcome is that she will be President... don't think for one minute that Obama supporters will not vote for her even if the superdelegates toss him aside for her... she's winning the big states... that's reason enough for the superdelegates to support her...