Tropics_Dude83 (601 posts) Mon Mar-10-08 04:36 PM Original message
OK, Spitzer tried to hire a prostitute and that's IT...get over it
At first, I thought that he was running a prostitution ring or was a "pimp" or "john", but all he did was have a momentary lapse of judgment and call into hire a prostitute. One night, one mistake. I'm sorry but he's done too much to be railroaded for this.
The real issue is why was the NSA wiretapped the governor of NY's hotel room for no reason WHATSOEVER. This is Karl Rove trying to destroy our brightest stars.
Even I, as a 200% Obama supporter, can see it now. This is not what I first thought it was at all.
Here's the link: Link
Carville said the exact same thing tonight on LKL. You know these are the DEM talking points we will hear for the next few weeks.
After all, their idol, high priest, and role model is Sinkmeister Clinton.
He is a john!!
And, of course it’s all Karl Rove and the Patriot Act’s fault.
I love how they’re whining about leaks. About the only time they’ve cared about leaks from gov’t.