IMO Obama is easier to beat (If McCain can beat ANYBODY) and not stopping the Clintons at the first opportunity is a very big mistake.
Problem is, he ain’t. The most energized part of the base is behind him. You’re ignoring that, dude. More than a few of us 4 years ago believed his running statewide in IL would be toxic, a radical Marxist with a Mohammadan name, but he won a landslide.
IMHO, there is no stopping the klintons regardless of how they’ve done in the primaries. They will use every trick in the book to “steal” this nomination including MI and FL delegates and the superdelegates (wonder what kind of wonderful useful information she’s diggin up on them).
She very could have lost texas and a host of others, but as long as she remains within the margin of the FL, MI and SD’s, she’s in it for the long haul. NOTHING we can do, or could have done, would have finished her..
Agree. I crossed over (in Va) to vote for Obama, for that reason.
Rush DID affect the crossover vote in TX, shifting it from about 75-25 Obama to 52-48 Hillary, as far as I can surmise.I think that gave Hillary her margin of victory, and therefore the psychological boost. So the Rush factor was very significant.