Lost in all this idiocy (albeit very funny posts) is the simple fact that the Socialist Brits “blew it”, destroyed their country by allowing it to be invaded by millions of Muslims from Africa and the Middle East. NOW, because they allowed this senseless invasion (caused by GREED just as the Invasion here from Mexico was based on greedy big biusiness donors to the pols in charge), NOW they want to place cameras everywhere!! Why not, instead, DEPORT all aliens with suspicious backgrounds, be they legal or illegal? And THAT goes to to heart of the problem—liberalism. They are simply afraid of doing the right thing, of protecting themselves. They are LEMMINGS, the Brits!! And it is a sad, crying shame. We across the Lake are also lemmings in part because we fear the ACLU and La Raza more than we do doing what is right by U.S. citizens and U.S. law.