I may read further and find something that changes my mind, but I did watch the video and the puppy looked typical of a young puppy being held by the scruff. They tend to relax and stay still if they are fairly young. It’s a reflex thing. The puppy looked very much alive to me. I have no idea if the guys were really Marines, and frankly, as the DIL of a now deceased retired Marine fighter pilot I KNOW that is not typical of the guys who serve. God bless our men and women in uniform, and if those really were Marines tossing a puppy off a cliff as entertainment, then they deserve our anger if for no other reason than that they give the enemy fodder.
But it "feels" better for some to think that the puppy was dead (in which case it should have been buried)... Whatever melts their butter.
If it was a Hoax, (doubtful) it was a CRUEL hoax.