That statement is flat out false, untrue and not factual. American manufacturing is at an all-time high level. This is a complex enough topic without injecting falsehoods into it.
I respect your opinion, but would ask you to back it up.
Here’s my proof, and it doesn’t require you to do massive research.
Make a list of ten things you might buy over the course of the next year. Like these, although yours may be different:
A sweater
Pots and pans
A toy for your kid
A TV set
Sheets and spreads for your bed
Window blinds
A coffee pot
A digital camera
A woman’s purse
A pair of shoes
Now go to the store - any store - from WalMart and Costco to Nordstroms and Bloomingdales and anywhere in between. Chose the product you want, then check the label.
If you can find just two items from that list not made overseas you win. If you can’t I win.
BTW, we tried it. Nada.
We went online, googling “American made” and found a bedspread under the manufacturer’s heading “Made in the USA!!!”
We bought it. We used it. The cat barfed on it so we had to clean it. We checked the label for cleaning instructions. It said “Made in China”.
I win.