Try and take my lawfully owned firearms from me after some sensationalistic nonsense gets illegally voted into law, and I will defend myself from YOU.
I understand the knee-jerk fear those not familiar with certain classes of weapons have. I know how far the issue has been politicized and how much misinformation is out there.
Don't fall for any of it. The ONLY reason legislators want to ban any classification of arms is because it gives them more power and control over us.
There is no other legitimate reason. I don't care how scary a weapon is, how "dangerous" it is portrayed as being, or what imagined danger they tell you the public will be in. It's all lies and demonstrably so.
Push for more penalties for those who commit actual crimes with them. A priori restraint on mere possession violates the Constitution and the very reasoning used by the Founders to write the Second Amendment. Those reasons are every bit as valid today as they were back when the King's men were given the order to raid the public armory in Boston.
Human nature does not change that much over time. The veneer of civil society is VERY thin and we should all take our personal security seriously.
Should our government continue going off the rails, would you rather be standing there with your pump shot gun or black powder muzzle loader? Or would you want the best and most powerful weapons your money can buy?
Call it paranoia if you dare, but that only would betray an ignorance of current events and the observable reality that our Federal government is already operating well beyond it's Constitutional limits. It's a very short step from ignoring limits to loading people onto box cars.
You do not need to worry me with respect to your rights. I have acknowledged that my original comment was poorly thought out, and do advocate firearm ownership by any law abiding citizen. If push were to come to shove, I would gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with you to defend that right - with my life if need be.