They will no more admit this than a cold war red will admit Hiss was a soviet agent. The reason is the same - personal statements of their own are on the line. The farther out they went in slandering McCain, the less capable they are of swallowing any of it and voting for him anyway.
It is a fool's errand trying to convince any of them. Just point out that no one need follow them and they are free to take themselves off in a huff and be as silly as they like. Simple. Also, it is so last week by now, nobody cares what they think.
Oh, and you should care what we think because we're going to help sink your friend McCain.
Got a serious case of project going there child. There is no logical rational reason to support a Democrat Lite candidate like McCain.
The only reason the McCainics are in hysteric about McCain is their emotion based adoration of his military service 40 years ago and an ignorant hysteric fear of the bogeyman myth manufactured by the GOP Establishment.
Basically the McCainbots are saying "gasp, we are lousy but the other side is Satan". Perhaps, but we can fight the Dems in Congress and win. We will be expected to tow the line with Democrat lite McCain out of party loyalty.
But keep screaming your arrogant, obnoxious emotion based bile at everyone who disagrees with your hysteric worship of McCain's resume child. You are much more effective at turning people off your candidate then any openly Democrat activist would ever be.
Slander McCain? You have got to be kidding.
McCain has been slandering Republicans for the last 10 years in order to get his face on TV every weekend.
Giving the Democrats the Majority in both houses was his “Bag” for the last 10 years.