The militant feminists and the rest of the Left have portrayed "abortion rights" as a part of the "liberation" of women, but clearly here a mother was forced to kill her children (which goes against all human instinct and natural affection) by a rotten louse of a male.
We, as a society have come to accept co-habitation as being normal and acceptable. Who needs that piece of paper, anyway?
She didn't "kill her children"...didn't you read the article? The "Doctor" said it was just "an operation". So she must have been just providing for the heath care needs of her fetuses, right?
Ben isn't the first guy to run out on his obligations, but he didn't cause any abortions. When you state she "was forced to kill her children," you lie. Maybe that rationalization works for you but it is damaging to civilization to distort reality that way.
No one put a gun to this woman's head. Her own mental problems contributed to her failure to protect her young from herself, but the decision was her responibility. The availability of "doctors" and "counsellors" to collude with and encourage her decision only provided opportunity for her to do what she wanted to do at the time.
forced is a word used with a bit too much license here
Um, the new buzz word is “reproductive” rights.
Like killing babies is the same as using a condom.
Intellectual honesty be damned.