The Congress is nickel and dimeing the air force to the point they won’t be able to perform their mission to defend this country.
just when we are staring to see a lot of very bad actors throwing tantrums at us.
It won't be replaced since the B-2 line was shut down a long time ago. The Air Force has much more pressing needs than replacing a single airplane with a 40% operational readiness rate.
“The Congress is nickel and dimeing the air force to the point they wont be able to perform their mission to defend this country.
just when we are staring to see a lot of very bad actors throwing tantrums at us.”
Thats the whole point, congress is pulling an end run on our military.
The treasoncrats know it would be political suicide to outright cut the funding for the war on terror so they are doing it through the back door by cutting the operations and maintenance budgets.
In other words the treasoncrats are playing chicken with the Pentagon and the administration and our troops are stuck in the middle