To: jeddavis
"Conservatives need to examine all of their positions and see if there might be any sort of a rational cause for it."
Because we do not embrace socialism like you and your cohorts, you now attempt to lay the blame on the coming destruction of the Republican Party on Conservatives... no sale... NO CONSERVATIVE alive will embrace what you are trying to define Conservatism as today. You and your team are no better than osama and the ‘toonville sycophants.
89 posted on
02/22/2008 6:46:36 AM PST by
("There is no conservative alternative in the race. It's just that simple." Rush Limbaugh)
To: LibLieSlayer
“Because we do not embrace socialism like you and your cohorts, you now attempt to lay the blame on the coming destruction of the Republican Party on Conservatives... no sale... NO CONSERVATIVE alive will embrace what you are trying to define Conservatism as today.”
What are your top 3 things you want the president to do in the next 4 years?
How do you define it?
Instead of trying appropriate a label, why dont we simple talk about WHAT WE WANT TO GET DONE and ask ourselves who will and who will not do it?
280 posted on
02/22/2008 2:25:02 PM PST by
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