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To: wilco200
Interesting language as I have been making the point for weeks that conservatives are to the republican party what blacks are to the democrats

Conservo-republicans have been encouraging blacks to leave the plantation for years pointing out how the Dems make promises, assume their votes, take their votes for granted then do nothing for them, year after year after year.

When are Conservatives going to heed their own advice?

84 posted on 02/22/2008 6:44:49 AM PST by Eagle Eye (I'm a RINO cuz I'm too conservative to be a Republican. McCain is the Conservatives true litmus test)
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To: Eagle Eye

Great summary. I wish Rush and others would pick up on this anology. Maybe it would knock some sense into GOP sheep voting masses.

A Mccain presidency will knock the conservative movement back a generation.

106 posted on 02/22/2008 6:56:38 AM PST by wilco200 (Registered Squirrel)
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To: Eagle Eye; wilco200

We have gotten a lot from the conservative Republican elected officials, on taxes, regulation, life, judges, national security and other areas. The Democrats in Congress have been wrong in all areas. Name a conservative principle and I can name dozens, if not a majority of Republican office-holders who will sign up for that.

So the claim that we’ve gotten nothing is just false. And even where parts of the GOP are really wrong (eg Bush and McCain on immigration) *most* of the party officials and officeholders are with us.

So why the whining and complaining? It’s an attempt to reassert control over the parties future thats at risk to RINO control. But is whining a conservative principle? I never got that out of my readings of William F Buckley, Russell Kirk, Ronald Reagan or Newt Gingrich. maybe one can find a cite.

I think we should be a movement based on winning not whining. The first step to winning is NOT TO LOSE. we can reassert control of the GOP no by whining or sulking or sitting out november but by positive forward-thinking positive action.

If Obama wins, it is a huge loss and body blow to conservatives; we go to the back of the bus. As liberal blogger willis put it - the conservative movement is set back by 10 years. If MCCain wins, it may not be a win, but it wont be a loss; we regroup and regain GOP influence and push agenda forward.

The difference is that if Obama wins, the entire federal govt 2 main branches is ‘enemy territory’ and we are 100% locked out of influence for 4-8 years.

283 posted on 02/22/2008 2:40:41 PM PST by WOSG (The 4-fold path to save America - Think right, act right, speak right, vote right!)
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