Hillobama is not the issue in this discussion. Obviously, they would be a disaster. We don’t want them. Many of us will hold our noses and vote for McCain.
But, if McCain DOES NOT rally the base, he won’t win. If, by chance, he won, you can kiss goodbye the chance ANY conservative will ever being nominated. The MSM will declare the death of the conservative movement...in fact, they’ve already begun.
The MSM strategy has been brilliant, although won only by persistence.
The MSM will continue to influence the election by widening the gap between McCain and conservatives. They’ll also portray him as old and angry to the Middle.
He was the worst possible candidate we could have...but, Republicans, as usual, fell for it.
Senator McCain has always been considered the least likable of all the G.O.P. candidates and the one with the heaviest baggage of political negatives. I’m beginning to believe the GOP has wanted either Hillary/Obama to win all along. There is no other reason they all are behind a clown like McCain.