How is electing McCain for president in tune with conservative principles?
Before you answer, understand that his party affilition is irrelavant.
McCain is a Fiscal conservative.
McCain economic team is proposing to stimulate econmic growth via tax rate cuts.
McCain wants to fight the WOT.
McCain, unlike Ann Coulter, supported and voted for John Roberts and Sam Alito for the SCOTUS.
McCain is pro life.
McCain is pro second Amendment.
McCain-Feingold is a problem with me. However, it wasn’t a problem with Bush, FR/Sean Hannity’s favorite dem Zell Miller, and FR favorite Fred Thompson.
I am not saying he’s perfect, far from it. but those are pretty strong creditials.
“How is electing McCain for president in tune with conservative principles?”
“Before you answer, understand that his party affilition is irrelavant.”
Party affiliation aside, McCain is distinctly more conservative than Obama.
- On Judges (McCain for Alito/Roberts, obama against),
- on gun control (Obama for DC handgun ban, McCain not),
- on abortion (Obama extremist pro-abort, McCain prolife),
- on taxes (obama for tax hikes and ending bush tax cut rates, mcCain for lower corporate taxes and keeping bush tax cuts),
- on terrorism (Obama for withdrawal in Iraq, mccain not, mccain saying to veto restrictive bill that Obama and Democrats put in place on treatment of prisoners),
- on gay rights (Obama wants gays to serve openly in the military)
- on border fence (Obama voted against bordre fence cloture vote that McCain was for)
- on spending (Obama promises a $1 trillion price tag new spending, McCain says no to new entitlements, no to pork, and an end to earmarks)
- healthcare, Obama wants mandates, McCain says no.
- Che: Obama is the candidate of Che-t-shirt-wearing left, McCain is the guy who was tortured by the Che-types in the Hanoi Hilton
In Mccain, you have a man who was ranked 43rd out of 100 on th e conservative scale last year (ACU rating), and lifetime rating on ACU scale is 80%. Obama was ranked the most liberal senator in the US Senate, so was ranked 100th out of 100. A RINO is closer to us than a leftist.
Any conservative who puts party aside and merely asks “Who is the best candidate for this country and who comes closest to representing my beliefs?” Will clearly choose McCain over Obama.
The only reason not to go this route is the too-smart-by-half attitude that somehow we have to ‘punish’ the GOP for the mistake of nominating a RINO instead of a good conservative. But who made this mistake? It was made by the GOP primary voters themselves when they gave more votes to mccain than any other candidate. So, by making Obama president we punish GOP primary voters by making us all suffer under what will be a horrible regime? Does that make sense? I dont think so. It makes far more sense by simply asking:
Who is the more conservative viable candidate.
well, I was for Romney, but many conservatives though *he* wasnt good enough. Others though Thompson wasnt good enough. I was in the “Hucks not good enough” camp. Because we never rallied around *one* *unifying* conservative - we lost.
If we split off into 3rd parties, sit-on-hands, etc. we will lose again. and again. and again.