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To: F-117A
I’m not ignorant of the fact that Clinton used our navy to blockade arms that would allowed the multi-ethnic Bosnian nation to defend itself against your criminal fascist heroes.

I use to think that your screen name implied that you were a fan of the F-117. Now I realize that instead you are a fan of the Serbians shooting one down.

965 posted on 02/22/2008 11:46:33 AM PST by Blue State Insurgent (Superdelegates = The Guardian Council)
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To: Blue State Insurgent

They can always shoot down a few more for your enjoyment.

966 posted on 02/22/2008 11:52:53 AM PST by montyspython (Love that chicken from Popeye's)
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To: Blue State Insurgent
I used to think that your screen name didn’t imply anything, but now I know you don’t know that you’re suppose to use Bravo Sierra instead of Blue State to indicate BS!


971 posted on 02/22/2008 12:27:00 PM PST by F-117A (Mr. Bush, have someone read UN Resolution 1244 to you!!!)
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To: Blue State Insurgent; All
Any one that is interested in learning how clinton aided the Iran and the Islamists in Bosnia should read on.
'There is no question that the policy of getting arms into Bosnia was of great assistance in allowing the Iranians to dig in and create good relations with the Bosnian government,' a senior CIA officer told Congress in a classified deposition. 'And it is a thing we will live to regret because when they blow up some Americans, as they no doubt will before this . . . thing is over, it will be in part because the Iranians were able to have the time and contacts to establish themselves well in Bosnia.'" ["Iran Gave Bosnia Leader $500,000, CIA Alleges: Classified Report Says Izetbegovic Has Been 'Co-Opted,' Contradicting U.S. Public Assertion of Rift," Los Angeles Times, 12/31/96. Ellipses in original. Alija Izetbegovic is the Muslim president of Bosnia.]

"'If you read President Izetbegovic's writings, as I have, there is no doubt that he is an Islamic fundamentalist,' said a senior Western diplomat with long experience in the region. 'He is a very nice fundamentalist, but he is still a fundamentalist. This has not changed. His goal is to establish a Muslim state in Bosnia, and the Serbs and Croats understand this better than the rest of us.'" ["Bosnian Leader Hails Islam at Election Rallies," New York Times, 9/2/96]

Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base

Now you may attempt to downgrade the above because it came from the Republican Policy Committee, but the NY Times echos the same thing.

The Clinton Administration has chosen to ignore weapons shipments from Iran to the Muslim-led Bosnian Government that in the last year have added considerably to Bosnia's military firepower, American officials said today. They said the United States has ample evidence of the Iranian deliveries, which are in violation of the United Nations embargo that bans arms shipments to all combatants in the Bosnian civil war. But they said the Administration had not tried in any way to cut off the flow. The Administration said last fall that it would no longer take part in efforts to enforce the embargo on shipments to the Bosnians.

Finally, the book Unholy Terror by John R. Schindler—professor of strategy at the Naval War College and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer goes into much greater detail of the Islamist and clinton.

The long hidden truth is that Bosnia played the same role for al-Qa’ida in the 1990s that Afghanistan did in the 1980s, providing a battleground where mujahidin could learn to wage holy war. Schindler exposes how Osama bin Laden exploited the Bosnian conflict for his own ends and the disturbing level of support the U.S. government gave to the Bosnian mujahidin—just as had been done with the Afghan mujahidin. Repeating the mistakes of Afghanistan contributed to blowback of epic proportions: Khalid Sheikh Muhammad (the mastermind of 9/11) and two of the 9/11 hijacker pilots were veterans of the Bosnian jihad.

972 posted on 02/22/2008 1:04:06 PM PST by F-117A (Mr. Bush, have someone read UN Resolution 1244 to you!!!)
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