How dare they call this kook a Constitutionalist. He’s not.
Mr. Lincoln’s Secretary of War Mr. Stanton was correct when he observed that “..the Constitution of the United States is not nor shall it be a suicide pact.”
It’s ok Comrad, I assume you are OK with the police busting into your house as well just to check up on you whenever they want, since it’s for “national security.” I’m sure Clinton and other future crappy presidents will only use this for good and not for other federal disasters like Waco and Elian Gonzalez. /sigh it’s amazing how statist the Republican Party has turned in the last 8 years. When is the next Contract with America coming?
It was a loser argument then and it was the loser argument again in a Supreme Court decision regarding the rights of American citizens.
The dissenting opinion claimed that ‘...the Constitution is not a suicide pact...” but the overwhelming opinion was that when it comes to our rights, it was the government’s duty to protect them despite the risk.
I’m sorry that I can’t recall the case but IIRC, it was in the late 1940s and the dissenting justice was Feinberg or Feinstein.