I did not mention low-end PC's. I compare prices regularly and a comparable Mac costs way more than a PC, at least where I shop. Maybe you are pricing PC's at expensive outlets. At any rate, we will agree to disagree.
I was comparing Dell to Apple. Just had to go back to Dell and make sure.
I have a simple macbook, 13.3 screen. Comparable Dell costs more (xps 1330) - about 30% more... The dell also had a slightly slower processor than mine, slightly larger hard drive. And no iLife sweet...
When I compare iMacs to similar Dells, I see the same thing. But I always start with the mac, because they don't have as many options...they just dont...and it is hard to line up the options.
You can certainly build a PC cheaper. But when the one you build compares to a mac, the mac price is quite comparable...if not cheaper...