U Said: You have absolutely every right to defend your faith when attacked. Although not a Mormon, I applaud your efforts. Something has gone terribly wrong with people of faith when they feel they have the authority to judge and condemn.
I try to think of it as ignorance on their part, they are mistaking a Faith (Christianity, Moslem, Buddhist) for a Church (Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, etc) Thus they think they have the right to determine my Faith, and kick me out of it like they would a person who did not hold the Tenets required by their church.
The difference is obvious once you think about it, and they keep quoting scriptures that show the apostles policing the Church and think that is policing the Faith, Sigh.
Party affiliation, for example, I Could have voted Democrat since I turned 18, and Identify myself as a Republican, at registration, No one could stop me, However, if they are in my district nad know how I vote, they don’t have to send me to the convention. I wonder if they will understand this political example? We’ll see.
Anyway, thank you.