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To: Dixie Yooper
“..the fact that Limbaugh, Hanity and Coulter have decided to throw the USA under the bus in order to teach the moderates in the Republican Party a lesson is beyond belief.”

Boy do you have it wrong. None of those listed could MAKE me vote for McCain. Liberals in the republican party have forced themselves on me once too many times. People like you said, Who is are they going to vote for? They’ll come around again, just like they always do...

Not this time, you gambled and you lost. It’s not my fault republicans will lose in a landslide. It’s yours for trying to cram an 80,000 year old liberal senator down my throat that has enjoyed running to the nearest camera and stopping Conservatives while promoting amnesty.

Now lets see if you have the votes to win, know that you’ve alienated all the conservatives. You made your bed, you lie in it.

200 posted on 02/14/2008 6:32:42 AM PST by Robbin
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To: Robbin
People like you said, Who is are they going to vote for? They’ll come around again, just like they always do... People like you said, Who is are they going to vote for? They’ll come around again, just like they always do... Not this time, you gambled and you lost. It’s not my fault republicans will lose in a landslide. It’s yours for trying to cram an 80,000 year old liberal senator down my throat that has enjoyed running to the nearest camera and stopping Conservatives while promoting amnesty.

I live in North Carolina. My primary in in May. My Candidate didn't even bother entering the race because of the lack of interest he received in 2000. Instead we threw out a couple of good congressmen with zero name recognition, a very tired x-senator, a couple of governors from very liberal states, a total odd-ball and a senator who has been nothing but trouble for the last 8 years. Regardless, everyone of our pitiful plate full of candidates are still better people than Hillary or Obama, and they are still all Capitalists, not Socialists. Don't blame me for your problems and lack of interest. Blame yourself if you don't vote against the Democrats.

287 posted on 02/15/2008 6:25:23 AM PST by Dixie Yooper (Ephesians 6:11)
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