I agree with you that Bush was far too nice and polite to the Democrats, and didn’t fight back as much as he might have.
But I certainly don’t think McCain is the answer. When McCain gets angry, its with conservatives or his own allies. When the Swift Boat veterans questioned John Kerry, McCain called them all sorts of names, including liars. He has done that sort of thing repeatedly. But butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth when he pals around with Teddy Kennedy or his other Democrat allies.
Sure McCain is angry—with us.
Our level of unease with the presumptive nominee is striking. And Dems and their media familiars are thrilled. I imagine Howard Dean and the Kos Kids visit here daily to monitor the hostility toward McCain and consider ways to encourage it right through November. And you can bet your last dollar that the MSM will do everything in their power to keep the base unhappy, on the one hand, and to chip away at his appeal to moderates and independents on the other.
I am sympathetic to almost every anti-McCain argument I’ve read here; but then I think, hey, the nutroots, Reid and Pelosi, Matthews and Olbermann—they’re watching the infighting and they’re laughing and loving it. They think it’s their ticket to winning big in November. And I have a visceral reaction to doing anything that puts a smile on those people’s faces.
They want, they lust for, a Democrat in the Oval Ofice. That’s enough for me to say, I’ll do whatever unpleasant thing I have to (read voting for McCain) to keep that from happening.