An incredulous relative called me from the Lubbock area this morning with the news that he had heard Hillary’s first radio ad there. Lubbock has the most Republican voters of any city in Texas. Talk about not allocating resources wisely...
Well, if she loses in Texas, her campaign will say it doesn’t count for some reason or other.
Her flunkies keep saying that states she has lost don’t count for different reasons. Too many African-American voters, too many affluent voters, too many “red states” went for Obama but won’t go for a Democrat in the general election anyway, yadda, yadda, yadda. I can’t wait to hear what the spin will be next.
She has got to get back to basics. Get back to “the Hillary I Know” campaign.
Thunder Thigh's campaign managers should quit. Oops...they already did! Guess that didn't help. LOL
No, Amarillo has. Here in Randall County, Texas Panhandle, we don’t even have a Democrat Party. Not to speak of. I think there may be 40 of them. Used to be all conservative Democrats like the rest of the state, but when Lyndon Johnson lost to Barry Goldwater in ‘64 here, Old Lyndon immediately closed down the air base, and threw the town into an economic disaster. We rebounded, but since that time the Democrat Party has lost almost all of it’s members. They all became “Conservative Republicans”.