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Posted on 02/12/2008 4:31:49 PM PST by Blogger
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To: cmsgop; Petronski
we need her to win...
I disagree.
posted on
02/12/2008 5:40:19 PM PST
(I will vote for McCain if he resigns his Senate seat before this election.)
To: RatsDawg
I believe that everyone that is disgruntled by the GOP candidate McCain’s win, needs to call tomorrow to their Republican Headquarters and REMOVE their registration from the roster!!That will send a major message that we are tired of all this nonsense!!!!!!!!!
posted on
02/12/2008 5:40:20 PM PST
(Mike Huckabee~ for President '08 Our Decision has been made!)
To: Petronski
Or may you blog to interestingtimes. :o)
So does this now become mathematically REALLY impossible for the Huckster?
posted on
02/12/2008 5:41:36 PM PST
SE Mom
(Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
To: abishai
McCain has only a 4000 vote lead with 55% counted. How has he already won?The Northern districts McCain polls well in haven't reported yet. The conservatives in the South and West have voted and they voted against McCain.
He is probably too hard headed though to get the message.
To: All
posted on
02/12/2008 5:42:26 PM PST
(Must stop McClinton!)
To: bill1952
Now, now, you are just going to make her cry again.
To: billmor
What should scare us is the numbers of Democrats voting versus numbers of Republicans—does not bode well in the GE.
posted on
02/12/2008 5:43:02 PM PST
(Please pray for future President McCain--day minus 326 and counting! Stay home and get Hillary!)
To: BohDaThone
apologies -- now I see the Chesterfield dem figures -- that obviously is an actual glitch, but it will get fixed. Just like northern virginia is showing almost complete in number of precincts, but with very few votes.
Buchanan county, on the other hand, is probably real. IT is very high mountains -- and several counties in east tenn, which is similar, were under 10% for Obama on Super Tuesday.
To: BohDaThone
Thanks for the link BDT; however, it still doesn’t fit my desire to see ALL counties ALL candidates, without all that damn scrolling. Some of Caine and Webbs crap.
posted on
02/12/2008 5:44:01 PM PST
To: jwalsh07
The Northern districts McCain polls well in haven't reported yet. The conservatives in the South and West have voted and they voted against McCain.
Last I check, Arlington County was almost completely in and Fairfax was halfway in. There are still plenty of hick counties left out there. I don't know if they have enough population to tip the scales, but it will be close.
To: Tree of Liberty
“Rove won a couple presidential elections by the skin of his teeth. Thats not grand architecture, thats just dumb luck.”
And just because President Bush calls Roves a mastermind, doesn’t mean he is one.
If Roves were that smart, the elections wouldn’t have been so close.
posted on
02/12/2008 5:44:39 PM PST
(Duncan Hunter:pro-God/life/borders, understands Red China threat, NRA A+rating!)
To: Bobkk47
"What I want to see is Obama winning the popular vote (and delegates) but Hildabeast being selected by the super-delegates. Now thats going to be popcorn time."Can you say riot????? Better get the front porch outfitted with a gatlin gun... all out civil war...
posted on
02/12/2008 5:44:54 PM PST
(I was the next door neighbor kid's imaginary friend.)
To: thomasjefferson1215
How about an American National Party
I have no objection to "fuse" with anybody provided I can fuse on ground I think is right
Abraham Lincoln,August-11 1855.
posted on
02/12/2008 5:44:58 PM PST
(May God watch over those who serve,and have served,to keep us free)
To: Blogger
We have a 2 man race but still folks can’t resust splitting the conservative vote and giving McCain another victory! Damn! If conservatives had gotten behind Huckabee we could have really handed McCain a tough setback!
posted on
02/12/2008 5:45:33 PM PST
(Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions - G.K. Chesterton)
To: Nervous Tick
Why on earth would we need the bride of Satan to win? Because some ancient poll says McSwine can beat her?
Because she is a huge turn-off to the independents, that's why. I don't see either McCain or Huckabee pulling in much of the squishy "middle" with Obama as the appointed rival.
posted on
02/12/2008 5:45:46 PM PST
Charles Martel
(The Tree of Liberty thirsts.)
To: RatsDawg
LOL - no big surprise there
posted on
02/12/2008 5:46:01 PM PST
To: atomicweeder
just wait until she files a lawsuit to seat the Florida delegates. You gotta love the irony, the Supreme Court's already dealt with the issue of changing the rules after the election. Obama's lawyers will be citing the Bush side of Bush v. Gore.
To: montanus; Torie
Not enough votes. I wish my pal Torie was back. He knows these districts as well as Barone.
To: Bobkk47
Oh, no kidding. And that’s what Rush keeps saying is going to happen. It could be 1968 all over again-—but remember, the “establishment” still won that one. Still, it would be (figuratively speaking, of course) blood in the streets time.
posted on
02/12/2008 5:46:25 PM PST
(CNN is the Amtrak of News)
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