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To: tanknetter
>>> I’d MUCH rather have him in the White House than Billary.<<<

Suicide. He is by far the stronger candidate. And his capacity to do damage to America is far greater. I'd much rather see a Hillary win in a squeaker than have O'bama win in a landslide - and that is what it is shaping up to be.

106 posted on 02/10/2008 9:13:46 AM PST by HardStarboard (Take No Prisoners - We're Out Of Qurans)
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To: HardStarboard
He is by far the stronger candidate.

Anyone who believes that has forgotten the death grip of Bill Clinton's eight years in office, 900+ FBI files, and the thuggery of both the Arkansas mob and the NYT.

If Hillary gets the nomination, she's in. And if she's in, she'll control everything because the word "delegate" doesn't exist in her vocabulary, and she will fill Washington with like-minded lesbian gym teachers.

If by some fluke Obama were to win, he'd have Congress checkmating him at every turn.

124 posted on 02/10/2008 9:31:10 AM PST by Dr. Eckleburg ("I don't think they want my respect; I think they want my submission." - Flemming Rose)
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To: HardStarboard
Suicide. He is by far the stronger candidate. And his capacity to do damage to America is far greater. I'd much rather see a Hillary win in a squeaker than have O'bama win in a landslide - and that is what it is shaping up to be.

I heard a lot of the same exact talk in 1992. Republicans citing Bob Kerrey's comment about how the GOP would open Bill Clinton up like a "warm peanut" and stuff like that.

Given the assumption (one I happen to believe in, mainly because Conservatives are going to sit this election out) that McCain is destined to win the nomination but lose the general election (despite the fact that I will vote for him in the general), I'd rather have Barak and his ideology in the White House than Hillary and her political machine. I was in DC in 1993-on when those ~900 FBI files wound up in the White House basement; the Clintons' used the FBI to destroy a bunch of career civil servants to outsource the White House travel office to Bloodworth-Thomasson; when the Clintons' used the IRS as a political vendetta tool; when the Clintons, who won on doing something about the "worst economy in the last 50 years" started out their Administration with their "gays in the military" social engineering experiments.

I don't like the fact that I'm going to do this, but in casting a primary vote for Barak Obama I really feel like I'm choosing the lesser evil to prevent the greater evil from gaining power.
136 posted on 02/10/2008 9:50:38 AM PST by tanknetter
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