One practical problem with methanol for use in internal combustion engines that I never hear mentioned is that methanol dissolves water like a shot. If you fill up a gas tank with methanol and let in set it absorbs a lot of water in a week or two.
“One practical problem with methanol for use in internal combustion engines that I never hear mentioned is that methanol dissolves water like a shot. If you fill up a gas tank with methanol and let in set it absorbs a lot of water in a week or two.”
That surely doesn’t sound technologicly impossible to resolve and cheaply.
The only water that methanol would be sucking up in your fuel system would be whatever small amount of humidity that sneaks in during refueling. Otherwise, your fuel system should be sealed unless you’re driving something fairly old or you lost your gas cap.
yes they call it Heet and we put it INTO our gas tanks in the cold midwest to remove the free water from our gas tanks
Why do you think that is a problem? A fuel that absorbs H2O is a good thing. It means you will never get a chunk of ice in your gas tank.
Look up Mobion fuel cell of Mechanical Technology Company (ticker MKTY). They have a patented process for water management in a methanol fuel cell.
Isn’t that what MTBE does?
MTBE is responsible for at least 10,000 wells in CA alone being poisoned and left unusable.
Small amounts spilled at gas stations and elsewhere found its way into the ground water, and from there into the wells, rendering them unusable.