Your hero is against the freedom of speech, against Christian conservative values, against tax cuts, sides with the wacked out left more than his own party, and willing to generate millions of new legal entitlement addicted democrat voters through amnesty. Anyone here ilegally should be sent home and barred from returning. Millions are here without documentation and are felons when using a fake ssn. Lets just reward them and tell those who are trying to get here legally to just wait. I am sorry that I can’t share your enthusiasm with McCain.
Anti-imigration extremists=majority of Americans.
Your hero is against the freedom of speech, against Christian conservative values, against tax cuts, sides with the wacked out left more than his own party, and willing to generate millions of new legal entitlement addicted democrat voters through amnesty. Anyone here ilegally should be sent home and barred from returning. Millions are here without documentation and are felons when using a fake ssn. Lets just reward them and tell those who are trying to get here legally to just wait. I am sorry that I cant share your enthusiasm with McCain.
Well said!! As much as McCain is a hero, I believe that he would make Jimmy Carter’s presidency look like Reagan. He is not going to appoint conservative judges and he won’t ENFORCE OUR IMMEGRATION LAWS!! McCain should run for PRESIDENT of MEXICO!